18 Jun Fifty Shades of Purple
Yes, I really haven’t been very creative with the title, but somehow it’s just so accurate. Let’s talk about one of my favorite topics again, and that’s hair colors:
I had to wait for a really long time until I was finally able to dye my hair again. Yes, I know. I could have dyed my hair even while I was pregnant, but I just didn’t want to. I was more than careful with everything during pregnancy, I didn’t even use any nail polish because I read that the vapors from nail polishes might be dangerous for your unborn child. Now I think that most of the things I read might by just big nonsense (I saw all other pregnant women were using nail polish on their toenails at least last summer), but in the end it doesn’t matter as long as everyone is healthy.
So let’s get back on topic. While I was pregnant I told myself that if the baby is going to be a girl, I’ll dye my hair pink or just blue for a boy. Since it was already pretty clear, that it’s going to be a boy from really early on (since week 15!), I always knew that the next time that I’m going to dye my hair, it’ll most likely going to be blue.
I hated my hair undyed (as you can read here). My hair started to turn white at around 25, I already had some very first white hair with 23! So I was really happy when I finally went to the hairdresser the first time after Flynn’s birth when he was 10 weeks old at the end of September last year. As always, I went to young style at Shopping City Süd, but with my luck, my hair stylist has left again (and eventually the one that dyed my hair this time had left sometime after that, too >.<). So I really had to explain myself multiple times, that I wanted to have my hair dark brown and dark blue. They always thought that I wanted my hair dark brown and blonde XD. Well after some time, we agreed to make it dark brown with blue effect streaks.
For the blue color, I think she used La Riché Directions in Atlantic Blue and I really love that color. It’s so deep and vibrant! But although I think it clashes a bit with the blue color of my eyes, so I think this isn’t my color after all.
So after some time, of course, the color slowly faded out and became turquoise, which I think really suits me better.
By December 2014 most of the blue color has faded into a light mint green-blonde mix and I decided to bleach my hair by myself (!) to get rid of the green and use some of the new blue color over it. Well, actually it didn’t go so well. The green color was still in my hair, the only thing that got lighter were parts of the dark brown hair. I’ve sworn to myself to never try to bleach my hair by myself again. After that I just used the Neon Blue Directions over the light parts, but because I was inexperienced how much of the dye I really need, I used too little and what I got was this:
I called it “Aurora” color, haha. Doesn’t look really good, but still better than before.
I was pretty dissatisfied with this result. And then there was also my hair growing like crazy and the hairline showing. So two weeks later, at the beginning of January this year I decided to dye the upper parts in a very dark brown and the ends with enough Neon Blue for a good coverage (I used more than a half pot just for the ends) and it came out pretty nice, I think. While the Atlantic Blue is a more of a royal blue, the Neon Blue is more a 50-50 mix of a dark blue and purple, as you can see in the photo:
Okay, so let’s skip a little forward to February. I had enough of blue and wanted to go purple. I tried to create a transition from dark brown to purple to light purple. For that I used Directions in Violet for the darker purple and Directions Lilac for the ends:
In mid-April, I couldn’t bear this mess anymore and finally went to young style again. This time, I had another hair stylist yet again, but she was really nice and did understand what I wanted. I didn’t go there with a plan in my mind, so we together we tried to find something nice for my hair. In the end, we decided to make it flashy purple and pink. After two hours of bleaching and at least another hour for dyeing and cutting, my hair looked like this:
The color is so pretty. The assistant hair stylist, who dyed my hair did a great job. She used a mix of Directions in Plum (really dark purple), Violet (bright purple), Cerise (Darker red-pink mix) and Flamingo Pink (bright pink).
When I see these pictures, I still think this is incredible and crazy. It just looks so unreal and photoshopped, but it just isn’t. Just look at the back of my head. I think the is a great example how you can mix different colors of Directions together, without making it look like a total chaos:
After that I re-dyed my whole hair in Violet two times to keep the color from fading, but with the rise in temperature, the burning sun shining down on me while I’m outside with Flynn and going to the pool, the color seemed to vanish in an instant. So only 2 months later (and please don’t be too shocked) everything looks like this now:
Oh my, where did all the reds go? I have streaks of blue, turquoise, mint and green. Then there are some purplish parts and some that really are actually blonde again. I kinda feel like a parrot, just without any feathers.
Let my give you a little tip: Don’t use Directions in many different colors in the summer. You don’t get a lot out of it, at least not for a very long time. But I still think it’s okay for pastel colors.
So what now? Fortunately, I have my next appointment at the hairdresser tomorrow. As far as I decided what to do next, I just want all that color out of my hair. It’s not that I don’t like it, but with the sun and the water in the summer, it just doesn’t make any sense now. So maybe I just go completely blonde. We will see more by tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated, If I have the time to do so (sometimes it’s just not as easy with a baby around):
So as you can see, I changed my hair color quite often this year. Did you notice how much longer my hair has got in the last 12 months? And it even got cut twice! Finally, it’s back to my old length and I’m really happy about that.