27 Apr Where was spring?
Hi everyone!
I’m sorry that I haven’t posted much this month, but I was quite busy with work and everything. Here’s my outfit from monday, when it was still a little bit colder than today:
Maybe you can still remember how the weather 3 to 4 weeks ago was: we still had terrible snow, the temperature was often below 0°C and it sucked. But then from one day to another we instantly got summer, more or less… This week we only had sun with temperatures around15 to 25°C.
Not that I’m complaining about finally having fine weather now, but I’m just wondering what happened to the transition time between winter and summer called spring (and also the other way around, called autumn). I have the feeling that these two seasons dissapeared complete within the last years, which really makes me sad. I either have to wear so much clothes that it just doesn’t matter what I wear as long as it’s warm (you don’t see it anyways because of thick big winter jackets) or nearly nothing at all, because it’s just straight out hot (just like thursday, where my skin got incredibly red from just sitting outside for 20 minutes to eat my salad, and it’s only April!). I wonder if it’s because of the global warming and what awaits us in the next years coming ;_;…
I always loved spring and autumn for being able to dress cuteand creative and just enjoy being outside in the nature… Well, we will have to see how the future will be…