02 Jun Family Days
So in mid-May I finally visited my family in Hannover/Germany again for one and a half week. The weather was pretty nice. Not as hot as in Vienna at that time, it really felt like spring with occasional rain, that always stopped pretty fast again.
We used a lot of time for gaming. We bought Persona 4 Arena and the new Naruto Shippuuden PS3 game, we played some Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed and a PSN Bomberman (Bomberman never gets old!). We also puzzled all characters through “The Cave“, a PSN download game by the Monkey Island creator. It was hilarious and pretty tricky and totally entertaining. We played it with the power of 3 brains combined: Tom, my sister Adri, who had the control, and me, but some puzzles were still pretty hard, but I like that. We played it a total of three times to try out all the 7 different characters. You can always choose 3 of them for a tour through the Cave and they all have different skills, which make certain puzzles easier, but you really have to think how you combine their strengths. It was (maybe still is) free for PlayStation Plus members, so if you are you should definitely get it!
Adri also played Hell Yeah! (also a funny PSN download game) and I really fell in love with The Bunny Song:
And then we started playing Persona 3 FES (PSN Download Version, I think we got it from US PSN if I remember correctly, don’t know if it’s also on EU PSN), and it’s so cool! At first it was a little bit confusing (I only played Persona 2 Innocent Sin For PSP about halfway, but then stopped, because it’s kinda tiring, and I also watched Persona 4 The Animation), but after some time you really come into the flow and it’s totally entertaining. On one hand, you have a classic JRPG and, on the other hand, you also have a life/love/time simulation, and I really like both. I really wonder why I haven’t played any of the Shin Megami Tensei games before… We are still playing it (I think we have July now in-game) and I’m really excited how far we are able to go into Tartarus and what might happen in the next months.
Other than gaming I spend a lot of time reading on with Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84 – book 3 and I’m almost finished with it. But now back home I just don’t have the time or nerves to sit down and just read… I really need to relax more, I know…
Adri, David, Tom and me also went to the cinema to watch Star Trek: Into Darkness. Like the first reboot movie, this one was also pretty great and entertaining. I’m not that into Start Trek, but all of my childhood I enjoyed watching all older Star Trek seasons while eating my lunch after school *lol*. I think the new movies are the best mix of the old TV series characters and new technical possibilities with a fresh air, so that even the younger (not that I’m that old, but yeah…) audiences might appreciate them.
Look how cute this minion is:
I took the photo at the cinema. Can’t wait for the second movie. The first one was pretty cute and touching for an animation movie for kids.
And last but not least we had a lot of great food. Just a small selection of the things my parents prepared for everyone to eat:
Did you know that “Yes Torty” cakes are back? I think I missed something… Now the only thing that has to make its revival is the Onken Frufoo yoghurt.