11 Jun Please be Excited for E3!
Square Enix announced Final Fantasy XV (formerly known as Final Fantasy Versus XIII) and Kingdom Hearts III for Sony PlayStation!!! I’m so happy and overwhelmed because both are looking soooo cool!
[ Source: IGN ]
First of all: It looks so great! It seems to be a lot more action-orientated than the main Final Fantasy games before, but as I’m also a big fan of games like Kingdom Hearts, Drakengard and the newer action MMORPGs, it’s alright for me. As long as you have at least some freedom to explore, a lot of cool sidequests and a great diverse fighting system, I think this’ll really be something that’s worth waiting for.
I absolutely like the design of the characters. Everyone seems very mature and the whole story seems dark and political, but with the right amount of (Final) fantasy. I love that gigantic Leviathan you can see at the end of the video!
Now the only question that remains is: Will there still be any connection to Final Fantasy XIII except for the typical Final Fantasy elements? I personally hope not, because I haven’t yet and I think I’ll never understand what’s really going on anyway. Don’t know if there will be some insight with Lightning Returns…
[ Source: IGN ]
Look at this flock of cute Heartless running/flying around and Sora using them and the wall to jump even higher. I’m really excited about what Disney and Final Fantasy worlds and characters will be in the game this time. And will we have a Star Wars world? And when will these game are going to be released? So many questions ^.^!
And all the news about Sony PlayStation 4 are just great. Can’t wait to hold it in my hands. So now I really need a Vita!