09 Mar Spring is Coming!
I know that it’s quite a cliché, but I have to talk about the weather first. About two weeks ago we suddenly had temperatures up to 17°C and it was sunny. It was so warm that you didn’t want to wear a jacket anymore. After that, the temperature dropped significantly again and we had a lot of awful rain or even very tiny snowflakes when it was colder. Those days especially come together with heavy wind. Then last weekend, the weather was really mild again, but this week it’s getting colder once again. The weather is just crazy at the moment. Fortunately, we have a little sun today, but you can never be sure for how long it’ll stay. No wonder everyone is sick or is constantly having headaches.
I want spring right now! I already saw the first trees and flowers beginning to bloom here and there. I’m excited how this spring will be like. Last year was wonderful. I think spring is my favorite season, with nice temperatures that aren’t so cold anymore but not so hot yet, that you can’t leave your home without burning to a crisp (like last year especially, I actually think I wrote about it, sometime last year). Then there are hopefully many sunny days and I love it if everything is colorful with beautiful blossoms.
Two weeks ago, Flynn had two new teeth break through, a back and an eyetooth. As if this wasn’t enough for some nights of frequently interrupted sleep, he also caught a cold with fever. I’m not sure if the fever came from teething or from the cold, but that week was pretty awful. He really didn’t want to eat much and he was pretty grumpy for the whole week (so the total opposite of his normal self).
At the end of that week, he finally felt better and could go to the kindergarten again. He’s still coughing from time to time, but there aren’t any problems with him eating or sleeping anymore and he’s super happy again. He’s also getting better and better at talking. He recently started to repeat words, so he learned words like “hallo” (hello) and is talking like a parrot all day (hallo-hallo-hallo-hallo…). Another word he really likes is “Elefant” (elephant), but since he still can’t pronounce it right, it sounds something like “ehje-ah”. It’s just so cute.
I, on the other side, still have some issues with my sinuses and my left ear. I’m also having headaches quite often (but that’s because of the constant weather changes, for sure). I really hope it gets better by the end of this week because I have to start working again next week @_@. Time goes by so fast, sometimes… But other than that I feel okay.
Last weekend we also helped Tom’s mother painting her yellow wall from the living room (you can see it in the picture above with Flynn) in a beautiful icy blue. It actually looks a little bit like the light turquoise color from our living room walls. I love painting walls! Masking everything beforehand is a bit tedious, but it seems like I’m quite good at it actually and after everything is carefully prepared the painting is really relaxing for me.
As a reward, we got a nice lunch: Roast Chicken with potatoes and field salad. I was craving for some roast chicken for two weeks already and was so happy when I finally got it ^.^!
In my free time, I’m still playing Fallout 4. I now have a playtime of more than 5 whole days. That’s pretty amazing. And I’m still not through the story and have so many open sidequests as well! I’m just wondering that with all those Preston Garvey settlement memes, I always thought there would be way more settlements, but it seems like I already discovered them all already, which is a little bit disappointing now… (for me at least). I’m currently trying to get the happiness up in all my settlements and build some nice “houses”, which isn’t an easy task because the terrain is just so uneven… Other than that I’m also trying to max out all my companions affinities. Tom finds it somehow funny that I try to flirt with everyone… XD! Yay, for maxed out Charisma!
But I still really enjoy playing it after all that time. I’m planning a post about my Fallout 4 experience and all the reasons, why I enjoy it so much, which will be online soon.
Also, if you’re interested: I wrote a little review for Cerealkillerz last week about the beta of an Austrian indie shooter game called Polycrusher. It’s very funny and crazy! You can find the review here.
By the way, Tom uploaded some gameplay videos of Mortal Kombat XL and Galak-Z to his Youtube Channel. Take a look!
Okay, that’s all for today. Let’s just hope for better weather. Do you have any special plans for this spring?