23 Jul The Birds and the Bees
On another day we visited the Botanical Garden in Vienna. It was such a nice sunny day and I really enjoy walking through the garden and look at so many different plants, trees and flowers from all over the world.
Once again I had the opportunity to test out my still fairly new camera and was rewarded with some beautiful shots of flowers, bees, some butterflies (again ^_^°) and even birds. I can only say I love my camera and it was one of the best decisions and buys I made this year. Even if it’s not as good as professional cameras I still think it makes better pictures as some DSLR cameras I tried out.
Love the play of light and shadow in this photo!
Busy bees collecting pollen.
What a great color!
Hello, curious little birdie!
Cabbage butterflies.
Competitive pollen hunting.
I really like how you can see the shimmering wings of this hover fly.
More cabbage butterflies.
Another bird.
Japanese-style part of the Botanical Garden with a small pond with Kois and a cute little bridge.
Black cactus flowers. I think they are absolutely stunning.
Careful! More cacti!
There are so many beautiful places in Vienna, but unfortunately they are more or less hard to get to. They are also far away from my daily routes (to work, shopping, etc.) which is a shame, because most of what I see each day are gray streets with run down houses and everything is just dirty and really not nice. You can’t even say that most of the historical buildings looks good anymore. At least they are trying to renovate most places like the train stations for example, and make it more modern, which I’m very grateful for. Even if you have to see construction sites everywhere, it’s worth it in the end!